Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fall's Colors

Fall in Las Vegas is a wonderful time!  Even without all the golden hues.
When the summer heat finally lets up and the temperatures drop into the pleasant 80's, and even into the 70's, folks start to venture outside again.  In that way, it's sort of like spring everywhere else.  Anyway, after a long hot desert summer, we're making the most of it.
Here are some pics of our Sunday morning walk.

Of course, we stopped to check out butterflies....

And the ponds and waterfalls (courtesy of the Hoover Dam and some hefty HOA fees)....

We climbed a few trees....

And every few blocks we stopped to water and rest Shadow... 
Meet Shadow! She's our five-and-a-half-year-old miniature schnauzer.  (Here's the funny story about how she came to be a part of our family; page 27, "The Ultimatum": http://www.vegasseven.com/digital/2012/08/09/flip)  

Until, eventually, there was no more water, and our slow-going walk had moved well beyond the cool of early morning, so the black and furry Shadow--who works ten times as hard as necessary, for all the leash-pulling she does--could no longer go on.

While The Coop had a sit down, Mom jogged the remaining mile home to fetch the truck, to save the dog (who swallowed the fly?) I don't know why.

"You love that dog," says Balthazar.

"I don't," I reply. (See "The Ultimatum.")

Anyway, once home, we put on our painting clothes and the kids went at the family room walls, graffiti-style. The cooler weather has inspired us to finally decorate the home we purchased last winter. (That and I'm not nearly in the car so much, since Sunshine left ballet, so I have time now.)

It was a bit bold of us to settle on gray and red--we're generally more taupe-like folks.  But, I gotta say, I'm loving the contrast!

We hope to have the whole house finished by Christmas. Pics of the dining room, next week. 

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